
Late father's wish to construct mosque with RM4.5 million contribution fulfilled [NSTTV]

KUALA TERENGGANU: A late father's wish for the construction of a mosque funded by his contribution of RM4.5 million has finally been fulfilled.

Baharun, who is in his 40s and is the son of the late Datuk Mohd Rahim Abdullah, expressed gratitude after the dreams of his late father was realised despite facing challenges including construction postponement in 2019.

Baharun, who is from Kampung Bukit Parit, here, said his father donated a sum of RM4.5 million to the Terengganu Islamic Religious and Malay Customs Council (Maidam) for the construction of a new mosque in Kampung Laut, here, at the end of 2018.

He said the construction of the new mosque, capable of accommodating 1,000 worshippers, began in April 2019 and cost RM6.3 million.

"The mosque construction project on the endowment land failed to be completed due to the movement control order (MCO) before being resumed.

"Before my father passed away in March last year, he would visit the project site every day to oversee the construction works of the mosque," he said.

Earlier, Baharun witnessed the handover ceremony of the new mosque project in Kampung Laut, here, today.

At the ceremony, the State Public Works director Dr. Hasli Ibrahim, handed over the project documents to the Maidam chairman Datuk Shaikh Harun Ismail.

Baharun said his late father, who was also a contractor, requested that the mosque, whose total cost he funded, be continued until completion.

"With the agreement of our family including my mother (Teh Abdullah, 72), we agreed to continue our late father's mandate, even though the original allocation fell short by RM1 million," he said, adding that they supplemented the insufficient balance.

Baharun said that before his father passed away, the project was already 80 per cent completed, and the late father bequeathed an additional cost of RM1 million.

"Although our late father did not have the opportunity to pray in this mosque, we are grateful to fulfil his dream," he said.

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