Crime & Courts

Najib: Don't call 1MDB my baby

PUTRAJAYA: Drama unfolded in Datuk Seri Najib Razak's corruption trial when the former prime minister reacted strongly to the prosecution's assertion that 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) was his "baby".

A visibly unamused Najib said 1MDB was originated from the federal government's intervention in the Terengganu Investment Authority (TIA).

"Pleased do not refer to 1MDB as my baby. I object. The genesis of 1MDB is TIA.

"You cannot say that. You are making certain innuendo from that statement.

"I was not responsible for the setup of 1MDB... It was solving the problem from TIA," he said during cross-examination by deputy public prosecutor Mohamad Mustafa P. Kunyalam today.

Najib is testifying in his defence against multiple corruption charges related to the misappropriation of billions from the sovereign wealth fund.

Mustafa highlighted the resignation of former 1MDB chairman Tan Sri Mohd Bakke Salleh, questioning Najib on why he failed to look into the matter.

The former Pekan member of parliament said he wished Bakke had approached him before making the decision to resign.

When testifying in the same trial, Bakke had said he decided to resign as a sign of protest, following his suspicion that "something wrong" was going on in the company.

Mustafa: When he tendered his resignation, why didn't you call him?

Najib: He wanted to resign, so he resigned. Why are you blaming me for that?

Mustafa: Didn't you ask him for his reasons?

Najib: He knows me personally. He could have approached me. Why should I be blamed for someone else's decision to resign?

In a separate matter, the court was presented with voice recordings of Najib's conversation with a high-ranking official from the United Arab Emirates.

Najib, however, contended that the covert recording by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) violated his fundamental rights both as a prime minister and as a citizen.

"This is an illegal taping that I am not comfortable with. As sitting prime minister, you have a taped conversation with other heads of state.

"I cannot verify the conversation or ascertain its authenticity. This is a serious transgression on my rights.

"It is really upsetting, you know. The source of the taping is very disconcerting."

Najib faces four charges of using his position to obtain RM2.3 billion in bribes from 1MDB funds and 21 charges of money laundering involving the same amount.

The trial before judge Datuk Collin Lawrence Sequerah continues.

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