PUTRAJAYA: Applications for foreign workers in the three sub-sectors involving barbershops, textiles and goldsmiths will be opened on Oct 10.
Human Resources Minister V. Sivakumar said the application will run until the 7,500 quota of foreign workers allocated for the sub-sectors is reached.
He said the 7,500 quota also includes existing foreign workers of about 5,000 employed in the three sub-sectors based on the Immigration Department's records.
"The application can be done by employers registered with Indian commerce associations.
"For new foreign workers, a list of applications can be submitted by the association to the Human Resources Ministry starting Oct 10 (Tuesday).
"Meanwhile, for existing workers, renewal application for the Temporary Work Visit Pass can be made by employers under the category," he told a press conference here today.
For the barbershop sub-sector, employers are required to have a skills certificate recognised by the government, he said.
Sivakumar said the approval of the employment will be subjected to the existing business operations only.
"Prior approval from the Peninsular Labour Deparment director-general under section 60K of the Employment Act 1955 is needed.
"The hiring period of new and existing workers will be set at 13 years per the current policy.
"Existing workers who have fulfilled their working period will be sent back (to their country of origin)."
He advised all employers applying for foreign workers to follow proper procedures to avoid any complications.
This, he said is because any appeal under Section 60K under the Peninsular Labour Department is not allowed, and the duration of foreign workers' application depended on the filled quota.
He urged employers to heed Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's aspiration to prioritise employing local workers as an exit strategy mechanisme to reduce reliance on foreign workers.