
Police record Harith Iskander's statement, looking for 'Cecelia Yap Song'

KUALA LUMPUR: The police have recorded the statement of comedian and actor Harith Iskander regarding a post on his Facebook account which was allegedly offensive to Islam, posted two days ago.

Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Razarudin Husain said authorities have also identified another individual named 'Cecelia Yap Song', who is believed to be connected to the case.

He added that the police are still in the process of locating this individual.

"A case has been opened under Section 298 of the Penal Code (KK), Section 505 of the Penal Code, and Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998.

"To date, the police have received 16 reports nationwide related to this issue," he said when contacted today.

The controversy began with a Facebook post by Harith Iskander, which allegedly touched on the broader issue of religious and cultural sensitivity and colonial rule.

While Harith's post garnered mixed reactions, the comment by Cecelia Yap Song KL sparked significant backlash, with many alleging it was particularly insensitive and very offensive to the Muslim community.

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