
Cat accidentally 'sends' woman's resignation letter

KUALA LUMPUR: A woman was debating whether to send her boss a resignation letter when her cat accidentally hit the "send" button, causing a wave of amusement online.

The 25-year-old, from Chongqing in southwestern China, has nine cats.

On Jan 5, she had written her resignation letter but hesitated to send it, as she relied on the job to support her pets.

As the woman pondered her decision, her home surveillance camera captured the moment when one of her cats jumped onto her desk and pressed the enter key, unintentionally sending the email.

According to a South China Morning Post report, the woman immediately reached out to her boss, blaming the cat for the mishap, but her message was ignored.

As a result, she lost her job and her year-end bonus.

She shared plans to look for a new job after the Spring Festival to continue providing for her cats.

"Listen to your cat master," one observer commented.

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