
#Showbiz: Patriotic films as 'Bukit Kepong' to go global, says Finas

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysian patriotic films such as Bukit Kepong, Embun and Paloh will soon make their way to international screens, as part of the National Film Development Corporation's (Finas) latest initiative.

Finas chairman Zakaria Abdul Hamid said today that their plan to screen patriotic films overseas was the result of a suggestion from Foreign Minister Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah, who was previously the Minister of Communications and Multimedia.

"Datuk Saifuddin suggested last year that we get our best known patriotic films screened internationally. Now is the right time, as he is in charge of the Foreign Ministry and Finas will work closely with Wisma Putra on this," he said in a news report today.

Zakaria added that Finas would work closely with all Malaysian embassies via their cultural units to screen such films in various countries.

"We will start by screening ready-made patriotic films such as Bukit Kepong, Embun and Paloh. These will be followed by newer films of the same genre.

"Screening such films internationally helps promote Malaysian history and culture. Russia does the same, and the Russian Embassy screens patriotic films at Finas' P. Ramlee Mini Theatre."

Zakaria said that Finas planned to bring local filmmakers overseas to discuss their latest projects.

"They will have talks about their films, and this will help movie-goers appreciate Malaysian films better," he said.

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