
Khairy urges Lee to move on

DESPITE failing to win the world title, national shuttler Lee Chong Wei’s service to the country has no comparison.

Sports Minister Khairy Jamaluddin said the World No 1’s endeavour to fulfil the hopes of fans was clearly shown during the final.

“Chong Wei produced a performance that was full of spirit and I hope he will not give up because he is the country’s best hope to win a gold medal in the 2016 Olympics,” said Khairy.

Chong Wei was beaten 21-19, 21-19 by China’s Chen Long in Sunday’s final in Copenhagen.

“He told me he is not quitting and I have asked him to concentrate on the Asian Games,” said Khairy after attending an aerobics programme, organised by radio Era FM Tasik Titiwangsa in Kuala Lumpur yesterday.

Commenting on the problems faced by the BA of Malaysia (BAM) relating to the reshuffling of coaches, players and training, Khairy said he has suggested that a technical director be appointed.

He said BAM was in the process of looking for a qualified candidate and several names, including from China, had been discussed. Bernama

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