
Was elephant near Lake Pedu killed for its tusks?

PADANG TERAP: The discovery on an adult elephant carcass near the shore of Lake Peru here has raised speculation that it could have been killed for its tusks.

Pedu Lake Fishermen and Breeders Cooperative Association secretary Amir Wahab said the carcass, located about an hour away from the Charok Air Keroh jetty, was discovered by a group of men fishing in the area on Sunday (May 1).

"Based on the condition of the carcass with its face and tusks hauled off, we believed that it was killed for the ivory.

"It is not surprising that the culprits managed to escape as there have been no security personnel guarding the area.

"The hunters may have used the jetty of the old resort near here to avoid being caught," he said.

Amir said this was the first time that an elephant carcass has been found in the lake area.

"For as long as I can remember, I think this is the first such case in the Pedu lake," he said.

Meanwhile, Kedah Wildlife and National Parks Department director Mohamad Hafid Rohani said they have received a report on the incident from the locals and are investigating the matter.

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