
Main suspect in Sabah water graft scandal released on bail

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah Water Department director who was detained to assist Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission's (MACC) probe into a multi-million ringgit graft case, was released today after his 12-day remand order expired.

A MACC source said the suspect was released before Magistrate Stephanie Sharron Abbie on a bail of RM500,000 with two sureties at the central lockup in Kepayan at 1pm.

He said investigations into the case is still ongoing despite the suspect's release.

"It does not mean the suspect is walking free or the MACC will not charge him.

"We are still in the midst of recording statements, sorting out related documents and collecting evidence," the source said in a statement.

Meanwhile, it is learnt that the remand for four other suspects in the state water scandal were expected to end on Tuesday.

Three others are identified as the department's deputy director, the deputy’s businessman brother and the brother’s accountant who were arrested with the suspect early this month.

Recent arrest on Friday involved a 62-year-old retired technical and engineering adviser to the state Finance Ministry.

To date, MACC has recorded statements from 82 witnesses.

MACC deputy chief commissioner (operation) Datuk Azam Baki confirmed the release and added that more witnesses would be called up to assist investigation.

MACC ripped open the department’s can of worms recently with the arrest of four men.

About RM115 million in cash and from banks was recovered from them, along with 19.3kg of jewellery worth RM3.64 million, designer items worth RM500,000, luxury vehicles and 127 land titles.

The arrests led MACC to 38 companies belonging to the duo’s family members and proxies, which had links to RM3.3 billion worth of projects dished out since 2010. MACC also froze RM23 million in bank accounts belonging to the officers and their family members.

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