Crime & Courts

School headmaster, contractor claim trial over false documents, abetment

KOTA KINABALU: A 55-year-old school headmaster and a contractor claimed trial in the Special Corruption Court here today for using fake documents and abetment over a school's equipment supply in 2018.

Abd Rasad Sadikir @ Sadikil, and Rasnah Majuan, 49, pleaded not guilty when all the charges were read out to them before Sessions Court judge Jason Juga.

Abdul Rasad was accused of using fake reference notes between October and December 2018 at the general office of Sekolah Kebangsaan Manggis/ Mangkubou in Pitas.

Rasnah was accused of using fake documents, namely school orders and wholesale invoices between November and December the same year at the same place.

The fake documents were used to obtain payment for the equipment supplies for the school's counseling unit, exam papers, library, and office involving RM9,667.

They were charged under Section 471 of the Penal Code and punishable under Section 468 of the same Code, which carries a jail term of up to seven years or a fine or both, upon conviction.

Abdul Rasad also faced another four counts of abetting Rasnah in committing her offence.

He was charged under Section 107 (c) of the Penal Code, read together with Section 471 and punishable under Section 468 of the same Code.

The court fixed June 11 for mention.

The court granted bail of RM10, 000 for each accused with one local surety. However, Abdul Rasad needs to deposit RM5,000 while Rasnah only RM3,000 for their respective bail.

Both of the accused was ordered to report to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) office twice a month, not to disturb any of the prosecution's witnesses, and to surrender her passport to the court, if any.

MACC prosecuting Officer Rekhraj Singh prosecuted while both accused were unrepresented.

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