
Reason bees move to buildings [NSTTV]

ALBERT Einstein once wrote, if bees disappeared from the face of the Earth, man would only have four years left to live. He was emphasising the importance of bees in pollinating trees and flowers.

Bees are fundamental to the ecosystem as they are responsible for around 80 per cent of tree and flower pollination.  

Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute senior researcher Mohd Fahimee Jaapar says the bee population has declined in recent years due to rapid development that has forced colonies to “rest” in buildings instead.

“In Malaysia, there are around 45 bee families, but kelulut (stingless bees) and honeybees are more known to most people.

“For example, the stingless bee population in Selangor has declined from 12 species to eight in 2016.

“In 1996, Malaysia faced a Colo-ny Collapse Disorder. Imported bees were found to be infected, and it spread to local bees.”

He says in recent years, the main cause of decline in the honeybee population is rapid land development and rampant use of poison for agriculture.

“From an ecosystem point of view, bees usually move according to the spring season, starting from north to south.

“From Kedah to Perak, bees would have no problem building nests as there are bountiful green patches.

“In more developed states like Selangor, there are fewer green areas for the bees, so buildings are the next choice for them to swarm temporarily during the migratory period.”

Fahimee cites the recent bee colony discovery at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport 2 (klia2), noting that the area was surrounded by palm trees.

“Palm trees do not have suitable branches for bees to nest. The surrounding area of the airport is more suitable for the bees to build their nests before heading south.”

Fahimee says by providing a trail for bees, it will help them change their path from buildings to a natural habitat.

He says one should also not burn bee colonies found at buildings and instead relocate them to their natural habitat.  

“Currently, the move by My Bee Saviour is laudable.

“It offers a better alternative to save and sustain the bee population in Malaysia by relocating colonies to natural habitats instead of using poison or burning them, which poses a risk to the environment.”

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