
Second reading of GEG bill on Thursday

PUTRAJAYA: The second reading of the Control of Tobacco Product and Smoking Bill 2022 will take place at the Dewan Rakyat this Thursday, said Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin today.

The bill is also known as the tobacco generational endgame (GEG) law.

Khairy said Parliament's Special Select Committee (PSSC) comprising representatives from political parties had agreed to amendments of the original Bill yesterday.

"This means that the committee members are satisfied with the amendment; indirectly they support the Bill.

"So, now we hope the representatives of respective political parties will convey this message to their parties that their concerns have been solved," he said in a press conference after the Health Ministry's monthly gathering today.

On Aug 2, lawmakers unanimously approved to refer the Bill, which was at the second reading stage, to the PSSC.

Khairy resubmitted the motion of the Bill and announced that 13 members of parliament from the government and the opposition bloc will be members of the PSSC, who will make recommendations towards fine-tuning the Bill.

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