
Anwar: 'Prudent spending under my government'

KAJANG: Newly-appointed Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has vowed to be prudent in all government spending.

The Tambun member of parliament, in his Tazkirah at the Ashabus Solihin mosque in Sungai Long tonight said, unlike under the previous government, the new administration under his premiership will make sure each ringgit is used carefully.

"The rakyat can be reassured that all government money would be used in the best way possible. We will avoid wastage like what happened under the past government," Anwar said.

He publicly declared that he would not be changing his official car to a new one or carry out any renovations at his office, like the past ones did.

"It could be just RM100, RM1,000 or even RM10,000… it can still mean a lot when it's returned to the poor. We must avoid wastage in this administration," he told a hall full of people after performing solat hajat with the congregation.

The crowd had filled the hall and people were seen having to stand past the mosque entrance, just to catch a glimpse of the nation's 10th prime minister.

Outside the mosque, non-Muslim supporters were seen gathering for the same reason.

In his speech, Anwar reiterated he would not be taking a salary for his role and that the money would be returned to help the needy.

"I've made a commitment and will stick to it. We must also make sure not to waste whatever funds that we have. Civil service department heads should do their part and promote prudent spending as a new culture in their respective departments," he said.

He was previously quoted as saying that he would only take home the MP's allowances, in his capacity as an elected representative.

Anwar also shared that he would be having a meeting with government departments and agencies leaders in Putrajaya to discuss the cost of living issues and on how the situation can be improved.

On Thursday, after his swearing in ceremony at Istana Negara, Anwar said his first task as the PM is to lower the rising cost of living.

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