
MACC's new website feature will ensure transparency, help fight rumours

KUALA LUMPUR: A new feature on the website of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) that enables the public to get information on cases of public interest will ensure transparency and also aid in the fight against the spread of rumours and false information.

Malaysian United Democratic Alliance (Muda) president Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman, whose criminal breach of trust case is seen on the section, commended the move.

However, he hoped that the commission would ensure that the information was up to date.

"Personally I am okay with (having details of his cases posted on the MACC website) because I value honesty and transparency, especially when it comes to reporting. If it's about updating the case, I think that's perfectly fine because either way, the media would report it.

"It is just that I have seen the information on my case was not the full update.

"My case has come to an end but on the website, it stated I am still defending my case.. my defence has been completed," he told the New Straits Times.

Syed Saddiq also believed that as a public servant and a politician elected by the people, he should be open to scrutiny and criticism.

"We must be open to scrutiny and criticism, what more when I'm being judged in the court of law, so I accept it with an open heart," he said.

The section called Timeline of Cases (T0C), which was made available online on Friday, provides official information on the status of public interest cases.

"The commission will provide as much information without interfering with the ongoing investigation, affecting the accused's right to a fair trial, or causing reputational damage, or harm to the individual or organisation being investigated.

"Generally, MACC will not comment on investigations until charges (if any) are filed.

"But the situation may change if the issue is of great public interest and has received extensive media coverage. In this case, MACC likely will provide confirmation without revealing any details," stated the website.

Transparency International Malaysia president Dr Muhammad Mohan said the section would help curb the spread of rumours and fake news.

It is also in line with the unity government's commitment towards good governance, transparency, integrity and accountability.

"This initiative to publish the update on ongoing cases by MACC is timely and highly commendable."

Muhammad also called on the police to implement such an initiative to help boost their image.

Among the cases updated on the TOC include Datin Sri Rosmah Mansor and the 1Malaysia Development Bhd investigations.

The section, however, is only available in Bahasa Malaysia.

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