
Malaysia is 20th in the World's Strong Starters Ranking

PUTRAJAYA: Malaysia is 20th in the World's Strong Starters Ranking list, based on the Global Startup Ecosystem Report 2023 published by Startup Genome.

The Science, Technology and Innovation Ministry (MOSTI) said in a statement earlier today (June 22) that the achievement was thanks to efforts to develop an ecosystem for startups based on the Malaysia Startup Ecosystem Roadmap 2021-2030 (SUPER), led by startup coordinating agency, Cradle Fund Sdn Bhd, and the result of lively funding activities associated to startups.

The more structured approach with Cradle Fund acting as the central coordinating agency, with the cooperation of related government bodies, such as the Securities Commission, had built a strong foundation to spur the development of the country's sustainable startup ecosystem, said the ministry.

It also shared that SUPER has supported and benefited over 3,000 startups as part of the efforts to improve and boost the growth of the science, technology, innovation and economy ecosystem and aims to support 5,000 startups by 2025. – Bernama

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