
Deputy MB: Action against non Muslim woman wearing shorts based on council bylaws

KOTA BARU: The Kota Baru Municipal Council (MPKB) has followed the rules by fining a non-Muslim woman for wearing shorts in public, Kelantan deputy menteri besar Datuk Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah said.

He said the action was taken under the council's by-laws and not under the Kelantan Syariah Criminal Code (I) Enactment 2019.

Mohd Amar said all local authorities have their own by-laws and it was no different in Kelantan.

"MPKB has been active in carrying out operations and enforcing its bylaws.

"The officers took action against the non-Muslim woman as they found she had breached the rules by wearing indecent clothing.

"MPKB will take action against all regardless if they are Malay or not," he said, adding the council had also acted against Malays for similar offences.

Mohd Amar said the blanket enforcement showed there was no discrimination in enforcing rules in the state.

It was reported that a 35-year-old woman, who runs a clothing business, was issued a compound notice while she was in her shop during checks by MPKB enforcement officers.

Council president Rosnazli Amin, who confirmed the case, said the officers had gone to the outlet in Jalan Merbau here about 11am yesterday and the non-Muslim woman was found to have been wearing shorts in public places.

Rosnazli added that the woman was found to have committed the offence under 34(2)(b) Business and Industrial Trade By-Laws 2019.

It is learnt that the woman has been given seven days from the date of notice to settle the compound or face legal action.

A relative of the woman had uploaded the compound notice on social media yesterday, sparking outrage among netizens.

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