
Finance Ministry reminds eBeliaRahmah recipients not to cash out RM200 credit

KUALA LUMPUR: The Finance Ministry has reminded youth who received RM200 e-wallet credit under the eBeliaRahmah programme not to put themselves at risk of scams by attempting to cash out the money.

In a statement to Bernama, the ministry acknowledged that there were cases of aid recipients getting scammed when they engaged services they found on social media to help them cash out the e-wallet credit.

"Aid recipients do not hear from the individuals after making the transfers.

"When that happens, the government will not be able to compensate the beneficiaries," the ministry said via a written response provided by its corporate communications team.

The ministry said aid recipients do not have to cash out their eBeliaRahmah credit as the money can be used at more than 1.7 million businesses nationwide and to pay for services and online purchases through DuitNow.

DuitNow is an e-payment system that uses interoperable QR codes to allow Malaysians to make payments and receive funds from any registered bank and e-wallet platforms.

The ministry said cashing out the e-wallet credit defeated the purpose of the programme, which is to help youth aged 18 to 20 and full-time tertiary students get familiar with cashless payments and ease their financial burden.

"There is no need to cash out the eBeliaRahmah credit and potentially fall prey to scammers.

"We must not allow a small group of people to derail this well-intended government effort through cash out services that defeat the purpose of the programme."

The ministry said cashing out the e-wallet credit would break the terms of the programme, which state that the credit cannot be transferred peer-to-peer.

It said participating e-wallet providers had taken action against individuals who misused their e-merchant facilities to provide cash out services.

The ministry called on aid recipients to use the e-wallet credit to make purchases at participating merchants and not attempt to cash out the money, especially through services advertised on social media.

"We call on social media users to report to platforms like Facebook or Instagram if they come across advertisements offering to help recipients cash out their eBeliaRahmah credit."

Asked whether the ministry will improve the programme's rollout, it said based on public feedback, most aid recipients did not have problems applying for the initiative and many retail outlets accepted e-wallets, including in rural areas.

"The government is open to public suggestions on improving its delivery system, whether it's eBeliaRahmah or other initiatives. Those with suggestions can write to us through Suarakan Pendapat Anda at," it said.

Bernama found many advertisements on social media offering to cash out eBeliaRahmah credit after it was deposited from Monday.

Many aid recipients shared on social media that they were scammed after engaging such services and never got the money back.

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