
Remembering allied soldiers and local communities that helped them 

SANDAKAN: Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor said seeking peace was essential, as wars and conflict only brings destruction. 

"Let us reflect on the deeper understanding of peace and that war and conflicts do nothing but destroy.  

"Both must not happen," he said in conjunction with the Sandakan Day Memorial service held at the Memorial Park. 

Hajiji's speech was read by State Assistant Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Datuk Joniston Bangkuai. 

The Chief Minister said Sabah acknowledged the brave allied soldiers who fought in World War II. 

"We are grateful and we will always remember them for their sacrifices and contributions to keeping the peace in our homes," he said. 

"Today marks the 78th anniversary of the end of the war in 1945. The loss of brave allied soldiers lives on in the minds of family members.  

"This morning, let us take a moment to reflect on their sacrifices.  

"As we remember the long departed men of courage, we also recognise the local communities who risked and lost their lives in helping the allied soldiers.  

Let us honour them and the rest of the individuals as heroes," he said. 

The Chief Minister said the annual commemoration event will strengthen the bond between Australia, Britain, and Sabah. 

"Sabah and specifically Sandakan will always welcome you and your families. This will  be your place of remembrance," he said. 

He also acknowledged the efforts of the Sandakan Municipal Council, Sabah Tourism Board, and the organising committee for their continued dedication to honouring these fallen men and keeping their stories alive.  

"It is highly crucial that we, as well as our children, are reminded of this part of history to know what we have lost and the freedom that we have gained in return," he said. 

Hajiji also thanked the Australian and British High Commissions in Malaysia for their continuous support in ensuring this parcel of history is remembered and commemorated together. 

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