
Trio hurt by falling tree at Batu Bertenggek waterfall

KUALA KUBU BARU: Three friends were injured when they were struck by a falling tree while bathing at the Batu Bertenggek Waterfall close to noon today.

Selangor Fire and Rescue Department operations assistant director Ahmad Mukhlis Mukhtar said the trio were stuck under the uprooted 10m tall tree for 15 minutes before rescuers from the Kuala Kubu Baru station arrived.

He said the victims, two females and a male aged between 21 and 24, sustained various bodily and face injuries.

They were identified as Khairunnisa Mohd Khaiyazi, Amirul Wahyudin Mohd Din and Amirah Bastrisyia Adam Khan from Shah Alam.

"Khairunnisa was seriously injured as she was struck on her waist, face and right ankle. Amirul and Amirah were slightly injured.

"At the moment, we are still in the process of bringing them out from the waterfall area to where the ambulance and rescue machinery are, which is 1km away," said Ahmad Mukhlis.

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