
After trip to Lumut with PAC members, Johari Abdul confident about LCS project

KUALA LUMPUR: Tan Sri Johari Abdul has expressed his confidence about the completion of the littoral combat ship (LCS) project after his trip with the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) to the shipyard in Lumut.

The Dewan Rakyat speaker said he had made it a point to join the trip with PAC members as he wanted to see for himself how the project was coming along.

"This is where I am different from other previous speakers. I want to feel it. They (the PAC) wrote the report (on LCS) and are tabling the report (during the upcoming Dewan Rakyat session which starts) on Oct 9. As a speaker, I take it as a personal responsibility.

"When I preside (in the next parliament session) ... I know what they are talking about. So, I made a point yesterday (to join the visit)," he said after speaking at the Concorde Club forum.

Earlier today, it was reported that Johari gave his assurances that the report of the PAC regarding the LCS construction project would be debated in Parliament.

However, Johari did not elaborate whether he will allow PAC members to be the one who will present the latest report on the development of LCS project.

This comes after PAC chairman Datuk Mas Ermieyati urged the Parliament to allow members of the committee to table and wind up the progress report on the LCS project.

Meanwhile, Johari also complimented those involved in the naval project as pioneers who celebrate local talents in such a major military project.

"It is our Malaysians, 100 per cent, that (are building) the ship. Not even a single foreigner. You enter the ship, it is massive kind of work," he said.

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