
Media Prima joins Malaysia-China health forum as strategic media partner

KUALA LUMPUR: Media Prima Berhad (MPB) has been named a strategic media partner for the Malaysia-China Macro Entrepreneur Health Forum and the Asian Celebrity Charity Gala Night 2023 (MCEH 2023), happening on Nov 25 and 26 at The Majestic Hotel Kuala Lumpur.

Hosted by Forever GACC, MCEH 2023 is a health forum and fundraising event for charitable organisations. 

The event has received support from its co-organisers and principal partners such as Yayasan Kebajikan Artis TanahAir (YKAT), Yu On Global Foundation, Yunnan Sino Malaysian Culture Transmission Co Ltd and other associations in Malaysia and China. 

The recent launch ceremony and press conference for MCEH 2023 was hosted by Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Maslan. On Nov 25, Agriculture and Food Security Minister Datuk Seri Mohamad Sabu is slated to make an appearance at the forum; while Tourism, Arts and Culture Minister Datuk Sri Tiong King Sing will be present on Nov 26. 

At the launch ceremony and press conference, the advisor of the organising committee Datuk Mohammad Thajudeen Abdul Wahab said the main goals of the two anticipated event activities are to promote the concept of macro health, strengthen friendship while fostering trade connectivity between Malaysia and China, as well as raise funds for charitable organisations using innovative fundraising models. 

The event in November will be attended by 100 entrepreneurs and investors from China, including Muslim companies that will bring in halal products, to discuss possible opportunities with Malaysian companies.

Entrepreneurs from local companies are welcome to participate and explore business opportunities, as the event is open to the public. Companies that have signed up to participate in the event include 7 Stellar Sdn Bhd, Riway and more. 

Through this event, attendees can better understand Malaysia's foreign investment policies and incentives, gain an understanding of macro health, including medical care services, pharmaceutical industry, health insurance, biotechnology, health technology and more, as well as discuss agriculture, the development of food security and cooperation opportunities with China.

Relevant government departments and enterprises from Malaysia and China as well as Agriculture and Food Security Ministry secretary-general Datuk Lokman Hakim Ali and Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA) chairman Tan Sri Dr Sulaiman Mahbob will be sharing their thoughts on these topics. 

The Grand Asian Celebrity Charity Gala Night 2023 will also bring together around 50 artists, singers, celebrities and influencers from Malaysia, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Attendees can catch performances by Datuk DJ Dave, Datuk Nash, Dr Kanaga, Sissy Iman, Datuk N.D. Lala, Amira Othman, Muna Shahirah, Sathiya, Caca Raja Lawak, Yao Yi, Chong Sau Lin, Glen Yu and many more.

To support the fundraiser, attendees can donate RM10 or more, which will be channelled to Yayasan Kebajikan Artis Tanahair (YKAT), Yu On Global Foundation, Persatuan Rumah Amal Murni Kajang and Persatuan Kebajikan Amal Jian An Malaysia.

Learn more about MCEH 2023 on their official website. 

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