
Govt will not intervene in probes on high-profile civil servants abusing govt contracts

PUTRAJAYA: The government will not intervene in any investigations involving high-profile civil servants over accusations of the abuse of government contracts.

Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil said should such an incident occur, anyone with information related to such accusations could report the matter to the police and the authorities.

Fahmi said this in response to a posting made by a social media user on X who alleged the existence of a cartel involving government officials.

"We take note of the matter. (But,) there was no discussion in the Cabinet meeting about this previously.

"Anyone who may have information about the matter can report to the enforcement agency for the next action based on the law.

"Even if there is any investigation taking place, the executive branch will not intervene in the investigation," he told a press conference, today.

Previously, social media user @zeyhnnn also claimed that the cartel involved in various government projects across all ministries had taken up to seven per cent of profits from government procurements.

On a separate matter, Fahmi said Malaysia's ranking in the World Press Freedom Index published by Reporters Without Borders (RSF) was not based on efforts on the ground.

Following a meeting with RSF to discuss Malaysia's drop in rankings, Fahmi said RSF mentioned that the ranking was based on feedback from survey respondents.

"They (RSF) said the index was based on feedback from respondents who filled out a survey and that it was not necessarily based on efforts on the ground," he said, adding that RSF welcomed engagement with the ministry and was ready to cooperate with the government to boost local media freedom.

Fahmi previously said he accepted Malaysia's decline in the World Press Freedom Index, but stressed that the list should not be considered the 'gold' standard for media freedom.

He also said he would meet RSF and welcomed the organisation's willingness to discuss ways to enhance media freedom.

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