
Farmers in Perak desperate for aid as buffaloes drown in floods [NSTTV]

KUALA LUMPUR: Livestock farmers in Tanjung Tualang, Perak, are calling for help as their buffaloes have been trapped in floodwaters for the past five days.

Farmer Harjit Singh Ranjit Singh, 27, said that help to rescue the animals has yet to arrive, which have been forced to remain standing due to the flooding in their barn.

He attributed the problem to a longstanding lack of proper drainage, which has remained unsolved for nine years.

"The primary cause of these floods is the inadequate drainage in the area, which fails to channel water away from the barn. Even if there are drains, they are too small. The presence of a nearby mining area exacerbates the flooding.

"The situation has become so dire that police reports have been filed. Despite consistently raising the issue with the city council and elected representatives, there has been no response.

"So far, three of my buffaloes have drowned, resulting in a loss of about RM15,000. Due to the flooding, I had to construct a separate area for their feed, as it can't be placed on the usual grassy area because of standing water," he told the New Straits Times.

Harjit said that his efforts to get help from local authorities have been futile, leading him to reach out to the media for assistance.

He said it is not just his livestock that is affected; neighbouring farmers are also struggling, with chickens and cattle being impacted by the floods.

Meanwhile, he said the poor drainage has prevented several residents from going to work, fearing that water might enter their homes.

The NST has reached out to the elected representative and city council for comment but has yet to receive a response.

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