
Shafiq was living his dream as a policeman but it was short-lived

KUANTAN: Constable Muhamad Shafiq Ahmad Said appears to have planned his career in the police force but his dreams were tragically cut short.

The 24-year-old, who was killed by a masked intruder while on duty with a colleague in the attack at the Ulu Tiram police station in Johor, had shown interest in becoming a policeman since his school days.

His father Ahmad Said Md Piah, 65, said Shafiq, seventh of eight siblings, had been actively involved in the police cadet while at school before joining a private college in Kuala Lumpur after completing his Form Six to pursue a degree in forensic science.

"Shafiq was always keen to serve the police force...he joined the police cadet uniform body at SMK Padang Garuda before choosing to pursue his interest in forensic studies after his Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia.

"Early last year, he was accepted into the police training centre in Dungun (Terengganu) and attended the six-month constable training before being posted to Ulu Tiram police station in June last year. Due to the police training, he had postponed his degree and wanted to complete his final semester next year....however, God has his plans.

"Since he was doing his degree in a field related to the police department, the whole family felt that joining the police training last year was a timely move and there would be growth opportunities in his career. He was so passionate about his job and from the conversations we had, he enjoyed being a policeman....sadly, it lasted less than a year," he said when met at his house at Taman Seri Mahkota Jaya here today.

Ahmad Said, a retired soldier, said Shafiq's interest in serving the uniformed body could also be due to his three other sons serving the country, two of them were soldiers while his eldest son was also a policeman in Kepong, Selangor.

Meanwhile, Ahmad Said, who was overcome by emotion each time speaking about his son, said it seems like only yesterday Shafiq had reported for duty in Johor. Now he is no longer around.

"Shafiq had a long way ahead of him and might not have gained the experience of being a policeman. However, I have accepted his death and remain proud that he died while in the line of duty...especially doing what he loves the most, which is serving the police force.

"Shafiq was always a responsible and good son to my wife (Aini Mohd Sharif) and me. He has a serious character compared to his other siblings and is caring towards the family....only Shafiq and my youngest daughter who is in Form Two are not married.

"The last time we met Shafiq was before the fasting month of Ramadan in early March when he came home but could not return for Aidilfitri as he was on duty. He was supposed to visit the family in July," he said.

Meanwhile, Ahmad Said said he received a phone call at about 8am today from the Ulu Tiram police station informing him about his son's death but did not pay much attention until he called his son in Kepong.

"I was at my farm nearby where I usually spend my mornings when I received a call. I could now believe it when the caller informed me that my son had been shot by a criminal and assumed that someone was playing a prank.

"I rode my motorcycle back home and informed my wife who was left stunned by the news before contacting my son who was a policeman in Selangor. Apparently, my children already knew about Shafiq's death but did not want to break the news to my wife and me," he said choked with emotion.

Ahmad Said said Shafiq's remains, which is expected to arrive from Johor at noon tomorrow, will be buried at the Batu 8 Muslim burial ground tomorrow.

In the 3am attack, Constable Ahmad Azza Fahmi Azhar was slashed at the back of the neck and head, Syafiq Ahmad Said was shot while Corporal Mohd Hasif Roslan is treated at the Hospital Sultan Ismail (HSI).

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