
72 year-old woman burnt to death in Sibu fire

SIBU: An elderly woman was burnt to death when fire consumed at her kongsi-like seven-door rented home early today.

The Fire and Rescue Department said firefighters found the charred remains of 72-year-old Lim Moi Kee at the front door of her rented unit.

The other 19 tenants who were still at home when the fire broke out managed to escape to safety.

The 6.40am fire completely razed the Lorong Kwong Tung house.

The department said it deployed fire engines from its Sibu central and Sungai Merah stations to put out the fire and prevent it from spreading to nearby houses.

It said it took firemen 30 minutes bring the blaze under control.

Their job was only over around 10am as they spent time to do an "overhaul", to clear out any source for potential new ignition.

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