NST Viral

#NSTviral: Lata Iskandar water surge video goes viral [Watch]

CAMERON HIGHLANDS: A dramatic video capturing a water surge phenomenon or "kepala air" at the popular Lata Iskandar waterfall along Jalan Tapah - Cameron Highlands here has gone viral on social media today.

In the 45 second video, a motorist was seen travelling along the wet road surface before capturing the powerful surge of murky water gushing down the rocks.

Some individuals were spotted standing at the edge of the bridge trying to capture images of the water surge which was accompanied by strong winds.

Perak Fire and Rescue Department (operations division) assistant director Sabarodzi Nor Ahmad was reported saying heavy rain since last night had resulted in the heavy flowing water.

"The incident did not involve any victims, only huge water flow due to heavy rain. The Fire department had been observing the situation," he said, adding the incident occurred about 9am today.

Sungai Lata Iskandar has been identified as among the seven hotspots in Perak that

pose a risk of the water surge phenomenon during unusually heavy rainfall.

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