
Malays and Umno used me, says Tun M

KUALA LUMPUR: Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has denied allegations that he made use of Malays and Umno for personal interests, claiming instead that it was he, in fact, who had been made use of.

In an interview with The Malaysian Insight on Thursday, the former prime minister claimed that he had not personally benefited from being prime minister and Umno president for 22 years.

“If I have used Umno, what are the bad things that I have done? The truth is, it is the Malays who have used me,” he told the online news portal.

The Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia chairman said this in response to allegations by Deputy Prime Minister and Umno vice-president Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi that he had championed the “Malay agenda” during his time in power in order to make use of the Malays and Umno.

*More to come

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