
Muhyiddin: Pakatan to finalise parliamentary seat allocations by next week

JOHOR BARU: Pakatan Harapan is expected to finalise its seat allocation for all parliamentary seats nationwide by next week, said Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) deputy president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

He said the four-party opposition pact was going through the final stages of discussions for seat allocations at all 222 parliamentary constituencies, and this is being done first before they move on to discussions for state seat allocations.

Muhyiddin said the time frame for the preparations is needed as each party would be able to know which constituency they will contest, and who they would need to pick as candidates for the 14th general election.

“We are in the final stages of (discussions for) seat allocations at parliamentary seat-level, while discussions for the state seats (allocations) are still ongoing. The decision will be made in a week's time.

“When that is resolved, every party will know where it will contest. And we will also know which figure or (elected) representative will be fielded as a candidate,” said Muhyiddin after chairing a Johor Pakatan Harapan committee meeting at the Johor PPBM headquarters in Kempas here.

On July 14, Muhyiddin was appointed as one of three Pakatan Harapan deputy presidents, and was later named as the opposition pact's chairman for Johor.

Muhyiddin said the top leadership of the pact, comprising PKR, DAP, Parti Amanah Negara and PPBM, had wanted for the seat allocations at parliamentary-level to be resolved before anything else.

“We want to settle the parliamentary seat (allocations) within the next week. Discussions for state seat allocations are starting now. This is the decision made by the top leadership," he said.

On another matter, Muhyiddin said the opposition pact will conduct a campaign to engage with voters on Sept 29 and hold a state convention slated for next month.

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