
Sabah BN launches 20 points manifesto for GE14

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah Barisan Nasional tonight launched a 20-point manifesto for the 14th General Election.

Sabah Chief Minister, who is also Sabah BN chairman Tan Sri Musa Aman unveiled the manifesto themed ‘Tanah Airku Maju’ here, tonight.

The 20 points are:

1. Protect Sabah‘S Rights As Enshrined In The Malaysia Agreement 1963 And Federal Constitution

• Ensure the commitment to return the rights of Sabah as enshrined in the MA63 and Federal Constitution are fulfilled by the Federal government.

• Demand immediate implementation from the Steering Committee and Technical Committee for the Implementation of Devolution of Powers.

2. Nurture Harmony Among All Religion And Ethnicities

• Establish a special unit in the Chief Minister’s Department to coordinate non-Islamic religious affairs.

• Further reinforce the spirit of sharing power among Barisan Nasional’s component parties at all administrative levels, with the goal of creating a society in harmony.

3. Agenda To Eradicate Poverty

• Continue and introduce more programmes aimed towards eradicating poverty, such as MESEJ (Mini Estet Sejahtera), Communal Grant and the Agropolitan programme, as well as activities that generate income.

4. Commitment To Continue Handling The Issue Of Illegal Immigrants

• Prevent and control the entry of illegal immigrants.

• Support the continuous efforts of agencies to deport illegal immigrants (PATI) back.

5. Strengthen Esscom

• Provide ESSCOM with sophisticated and effective military equipment to ensure the state’s sovereignty and its people’s safety.


• Allow equal opportunities for citizens in all sectors.

• Develop a workforce with a competitive edge.

7. Efficient Land Management

• Continue the awarding of communal grants so that more Sabahans possess land.

• Streamline and hasten land survey and application processes.

• Ensure that native customary lands continue to be protected.

8. Protect The Environment Towards Building Up A Green Economy

• Monitor and regulate the management of industrial waste removal.

• Implement more forest restoration activities.

• Encourage the use of green technology.

• Establish electric bus services at major cities in Sabah.

9. Reduce The Gap In Development Between Urban And Rural Areas

• Ensure that citizens, especially those living in rural Sabah, enjoy better quality of life by providing them with basic facilities such as roads, water, electricity, and healthcare.

10. Development Of Women And Equal Rights Between Genders

• Increase women’s involvement in decision and policy making at every level in all fields.

11. Propel The Development Of Youth And Sports

• Ensure sufficient and more modern sports facilities and equipment.

• Perfect the training system in order to nurture more champions.

• Arrange for development programmes and protect the welfare of athletes.

12. Increase Development Of Human Capital

• Focus on giving birth to skilled human capital through training and improvement of the education system.

• Continue with the implementation of KDM (Knowledge, Design, Mankind) colleges.

• Acknowledge UEC (Unified Examination Certificate) as qualification for applying in general staff positions in Sabah, with the condition that candidates pass their BM and History subjects with a credit at SPM (Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia) level.

• State government will provide more scholarships for Sabahans to continue their studies at a higher level.

13. Government Integrity And A More Effective Delivery System

• Reduce any leakages in public performance system.

• Provide more space for participation of citizens in decision and policy making.

• Increase efforts to eradicate bribery.

• Improve the effectiveness and efficiency of civil servants in providing better services.

14. Strengthen The State’s Financial And Economic Standing

• Ensure the state’s sources and financial management system are solid, dynamic and well-established.

• Create a conducive economic system by ensuring the constant increase in foreign investments.

15. Drive Agricultural Sector Forward

• Promote new and efficient technologies to modernise the food, agriculture and agro industries.

• Increase the safety levels of food production as well as income of farmers and producers.

• Strengthen the growth and competitiveness of agricultural industry.

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