
There are individuals inviting Pas to support unity government, says Hadi

KUALA LUMPUR: Pas president Tan Sri Abdul Hadi Awang claimed that he was contacted by several individuals who wanted to meet him with an offer for Pas to join the unity government.

He said the offer came about after Pakatan Harapan (PH), especially PKR, realised that their position is unstable because the number of their Malay seats are not as many as Pas.

"People have contacted me. Several individuals wanted to meet me with offers for Pas to join the government because Pas has the most seats, 43.

"PKR only has 30 seats, with only 19 of them Malays seats, while DAP has three Malay seats. The government is dominated by non-Malays.

"They wanted to invite Pas but with Pas taking the back seat, not the front line. By right, when forming a government, those with the most seats should lead," said Hadi.

He said this at a Press conference after the launch of the 'Jejak Nabi Muhammad dan Syarahan Perdana' book at the World Trade Centre.

Hadi said Pas is open to any offer from anyone but the offer must not stray from the party's principles, aim and direction.

On another matter, when asked about former Umno secretary general Tan Sri Annuar Musa who is joining Pas, Hadi said the matter will be announced soon and would involve several other leaders.

"I cannot say anything about that now because there are those who have joined Pas and those who are bound by the anti hopping law. This includes Umno representatives who won in the last election.

"This has happened and based on statistics, we have 49 seats in Parliament but we are only claiming 43 seats because of the anti hopping law," said Hadi.

He said the PH government implemented the anti hopping law so that the people would support them but it had backfired on them.

On another development, Hadi said Pas has its own methods to choose the candidates for the upcoming state elections.

"For Pas, the candidates will be determined by the Syura Council after taking into account factors like the candidates' moral, education background and experience.

"The candidates are professionals, Muslims scholars, community leaders, former civil servants, former military officers and many others, even from Unit Amal (Pas' charity unit). The candidates are more than qualified," he said.

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