
PM takes dig at Dr Mahathir over accusations on unity govt's adherence to DAP's manifesto [NSTTV]

PUTRAJAYA: Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim today took a thinly veiled dig against Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad over the latter's accusations that the unity government was adhering to DAP's manifesto.

Anwar made it clear that he was the prime minister of the unity government and that he was no one's political puppet.

"Recently, there was an argument suggesting that we (the unity government) were bowing down to DAP.

"Ladies and gentleman, let me tell you this… I am the PM (prime minister of this country). I am no one's puppet.

"Alhamdulillah, I will turn 76 years old soon and with that I (his integrity and political will) cannot be bought by mere ringgit (money)," said Anwar in his speech when he launched the Madani Forum entitled: The Ethics of Differences of Opinion in Strengthening National Unity here today.

Present were Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek, Chief Secretary to the Government Tan Sri Mohd Zuki Ali and Department of Islamic Development of Malaysia (Jakim) director-general Datuk Hakimah Mohd Yusoff. Also in attendance was Anwar's wife, Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail.

Anwar, who is Pakatan Harapan (PH) chairman and PKR president, said he valued the presence, importance and contribution of the coalition's ally in the federal government under his leadership.

He added that DAP had never questioned any programmes or allocation set aside by the federal government to improve the wellbeing and welfare of the Malays and Muslim community in the country.

"I am not defending my colleagues from DAP in the Cabinet and the Chief Secretary to Government can attest to this.

"During the past seven months, they (DAP) never questioned the programmes for the Malays, the poor and for Islam. Never. Therefore, I do not want to punish or blame them (DAP)," he said.

He also dismissed claims that his administration had sidelined the welfare of Islam and the Malay community in the country.

The federal administration under his leadership, said Anwar, did not only boost Jakim's position but also increased the allocation to improve the welfare and wellbeing of the Muslim community in the country.

Anwar added that the federal government also increased the allocation for Malay-majority states such as Kelantan, Terengganu, Kedah and Perlis.

"We increased and did not reduce allocation for these states.

"However, there were some quarters who continued with their petty politics, riding on religion and resorted to misleading the people by slandering the federal government," he said.

In the same speech, Anwar also appeared to hit back at Dr Mahathir over the claims made by the former prime minister that promoting Malaysia as a multiracial country is against the Federal Constitution.

Anwar said he always governed the country based on the principles of the Constitution.

"In the Madani concept espoused by the federal government under my leadership, we want to emphasise manners, the participation and understanding of not just Muslims, but also non-Muslims.

"However, when we are doing this, they will say I am promoting Malaysia as a multiracial country. They will say we are a Malay country and it is against the constitution to promote Malaysia in such a way but I do not understand.

"Isn't Malaysia a multiracial country?" he said.

Without identifying a specific politician, Anwar also took a swipe at some Malay politicians who claimed to be fighting for Malays and the country's national language.

"The people who are constantly shouting about fighting for Malays are also the ones that forgot about (upholding the status of) Bahasa Melayu when they were in power."

It was reported that Dr Mahathir said Anwar was adhering toDAP's manifesto

"Despite DAP having only four ministers in the cabinet, there are 40 DAP members in the government. If they pull their support, Anwar's government could topple.

"Therefore, Anwar must heed DAP's manifesto especially in making the country a multiracial one and that the official religion of Islam be changed to a secular country," said the former prime minister.

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