
NST Leader: Murder, they wrote

PRESS freedom, celebrated globally just a dozen days ago, died again on Wednesday in the person of Al Jazeera's Shireen Abu Aqleh, arguably the most well-known Arab television journalist.

She was among a group of journalists in Jenin in the West Bank covering the Israel Defence Forces' raid (IDF) there.

According to reporters at the scene, an IDF soldier shot her in the head, despite the unmistakable word "Press" written across her vest.

The Zionist regime's reaction was typical: it blamed the Palestinians for its crime. As if lies told often enough would somehow magically become the truth.

When reporters started detailing what really happened in Jenin, Israel was again typical. It was an accident, came back a well-rehearsed response from Tel Aviv.

A bullet to the head of a member of the press an accident? It is no ordinary killing. It is premeditated murder.

To the Zionists, Palestine and Palestinians must not be allowed to tell the world the truth. Abu Aqleh was there in Jenin to do just that. And the pseudo-state Israel couldn't bear that much reality.

It had to murder her, just like it did at least 46 journalists before. The pen must be silenced by the bullet before it writes murder.

Quite rightly, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is calling on the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate Israel for the killing of Abu Aqleh.

After all, a bullet to the head of a journalist covering a raid in occupied Palestinian territory is a war crime. And it must be treated so. It had all the signs of a sniper's shot. In the language of the IFJ, such killings are the result of "the systematic targeting of Palestinian journalists" by the Zionist regime.

But there is a problem on the way to the ICC. Though the United States (US) and the European Union (EU) are calling for a probe, they are not having ICC in mind.

The ICC is there for their enemies, not for their allies. Israel is their ally. If they could keep Israel free from international criminal investigation for more than 70 years, what is another year or two? The US and the EU, rather the IDF, conduct their own probe. It's like asking the criminal to be the prosecutor and judge as well.

Small wonder, 46 similar crimes since 2000 have gone unpunished. This is justice for the US and the EU.

Palestine is not Ukraine. Palestinians may have blonde hair or blue eyes, but they are Arabs. Hypocrisy has its own way of dispensing "justice".

The UK is even more disgraceful, to borrow the words of The Guardian. Liz Truss, a usually vocal foreign minister when it comes to war crimes committed by Britain's enemies, has said nothing about probing the killing of Abu Aqleh. Let alone anything about an investigation by the ICC.

So hasn't British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who keeps paying obeisance to Tel Aviv as if it is the new London. It is attitude like this that makes Israel bury media deaths from the eyes of the world.

Israel is disregarding international law because the US, Britain and the EU are making it easy for it to do so. Israel is on the wrong side of history. By helping it, so are the trio.

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