
Tips for a meaningful life


MONEY is the most envied, but least enjoyed. Health is the most enjoyed, but least envied. If taking vitamins doesn’t keep you healthy enough, try laughter.

A man who is too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic who is too busy to take care of his tools.


Happiness is the highest form of health. If there is a way to overcome suffering, then there is no need to worry. If there is no way to overcome suffering, then there is no use worrying.

Donate your time and talent. People who volunteer report greater happiness, better health and a deep sense of connectedness to community and the world.


Pick up the good points and strengths of others. Do not pick up the bad points and weaknesses of others.


Comparing yourself with others can be a source of worry. Realise that equality, inferiority and superiority are all changing. We are all equal, inferior and superior to each other at different times. So why worry when there are no worries.


Give your compassionate love to humanity or to the world. Never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself. Compassion means seeing another person as 100 per cent equal to yourself in value, not in differentials on the surface that ultimately do not matter. In fact, it is seeing yourself in every person.

Therefore, you cannot harm anyone without harming yourself. It doesn’t mean losing individuality or self-worth. On the contrary, the other person earns the same gift. Don’t do unto others what you don’t want others to do unto you.


Our conscience is our sense of what is right and wrong. It is our moral compass. It can help us discern between right and wrong and directs us to do the right things. Use your conscience wisely, for...

THOSE who see with loving eyes, life is beautiful;

THOSE who speak with tender voices, life is peaceful;

THOSE who offer kindness, life is rich;

THOSE who help with gentle hands, life is full; and,

THOSE who care with compassionate hearts, life is good beyond all measure.


Only character can make a person great and worthy of honour. Your wealth can decorate your house, but only your virtue can decorate you.

Your dress can decorate your body, but only your conduct can decorate you.



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