
New respect for the letter 'C'

LETTER: I received a message through WhatsApp starting with the question - Did you notice that the alphabet "C" has shot to prominence in this Covid-19 era?

I have to agree with the sender that there is a sea of change on the usage of the alphabet. The writer is of the opinion that it is not a surprise that the alphabet "C" would be used overwhelmingly at the present moment.

Observe these words that starts with the alphabet and used regularly daily, including 'cough, cold, coronavirus, Covid-19, case, confirm, confinement, contamination, containment and curfew'.

The writer described the two most serious "C" as 'cemetery' and 'cremation' for obvious reasons and then explaining about the possible remedial drug which is 'chloroquine' with the origin of the pandemic said to be from China.

Continuing on, when one talks about the remedy, it usually refers to 'cleanliness' while 'courage' is among the elements needed to deal with the pandemic.

When we need to get expert advice, 'compliance' is needed according to a prescribed standard operating procedure' which also needs 'clarity' of thought to follow and adhere to health guidelines.

Meanwhile, 'contention' is the word to describe disagreement on how to overcome the crisis while other quarters proposed everybody to 'cooperate' to overcome the pandemic and not forgetting to 'care' for the needy.

Lastly, they are those who are waiting for 'clearance' after undergoing testing for the pandemic with everyone the world over waiting for the 'cure' in the shape of a vaccine.

Jokingly, the WhatsApp writer ends the message with - 'till then take vitamin C.' What else, I wonder, will people think of in this era of pandemic?


Kuala Lumpur

The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect those of the New Straits Times

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