
Aznil pumping hard for Paris

THE celebrations are over for Commonwealth Games champion Aznil Bidin as the weightlifter shifts his focus to qualifying for the 2024 Paris Olympics.

Aznil won the men's 61kg event in Birmingham with a new Games record of 285kg.

The 28-year-old's immediate competition is the World Weightlifting Championships in Bogota, Colombia in December, followed by the Phnom Penh Sea Games and the Hangzhou Asian Games next year.

He said national coach Yon Haryono will plan out the training programme for the Olympic qualifiers.

"We plan to compete in six competitions, which offer qualifying points for the Paris Olympics, which include the World Championships and the Asian Games," said the Kedah-born.

"My coach will plan the training programme. Although I had a tough Birmingham outing, I started training after a short break.

"Even during the break, I was doing light training to maintain my condition.

"I have to be in top shape as it is a short qualifying period. However, travelling is easier now as countries have opened up their borders after Covid-19.

"The calendar is compact, and it could lead to injuries. I have to be careful to avoid getting injured.

"However, I believe I will be fit for all competitions with proper planning."

Aznil is also glad that the Malaysian Weightlifting Federation (MWF) are supportive of their athletes.

"President Datuk Ayub Rahmat is very attentive to the needs of athletes. He is approachable and stays in contact with us.

"The MWF have worked hard on improving grassroots initiatives. We have many up-and-coming weightlifters moving up the ranks.

"If this continues, Malaysian weightlifting can improve and deliver more achievements."

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