
APEC meeting concludes with Golden Gate Declaration

SAN FRANCISCO: The 30th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders' Week concluded in San Francisco on Friday with the adoption of the Golden Gate Declaration on creating a resilient and sustainable future for all, reported Xinhua.

"We must harness technological and economic progress to continue to unleash the enormous potential and tremendous dynamism across our region, spur economic growth, as well as to address all environmental challenges, including climate change," the declaration says.

The declaration was adopted after the two-day meeting, during which leaders focused on the subjects of sustainability, climate, energy transition, interconnectedness and building inclusive and resilient economies.

In the document, the leaders reaffirm their determination to deliver a free, open, fair, non-discriminatory, transparent, inclusive, and predictable trade and investment environment.

They also reaffirm the importance of the rule-based multilateral trading system, with the World Trade Organisation (WTO) at its core, which continues to catalyse the APEC region's extraordinary growth.

APEC economies are committed to enhancing their capacity building and technical cooperation efforts in support of their readiness to participate in high quality and comprehensive regional undertakings, according to the declaration.

The leaders' meeting is the highlight of the APEC Leaders' Week, held in San Francisco on Nov 11 to 17 with the theme of "Creating a Resilient and Sustainable Future for All". -- BERNAMA-XINHUA

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