
Israeli army releases video it claims shows surrender of fighters in Gaza [NSTTV]

GAZA: The Israeli army released video on Thursday (Dec 14) claiming that it shows "operatives" surrendering and laying down their weapons in northern Gaza.

The video shows dozens of men walking in a line with their hands raised in the air, and three people laying down weapons and other items on the ground. The Israeli army said the video was filmed at the Kamal Adwan hospital in Jabalia, in northern Gaza.

Reuters was able to confirm the location of the videos and photographs as next to the Kamal Adwan hospital in Jabalia from the shape and position of buildings and trees which matched Reuters, Anadolu Agency video and satellite imagery of the hospital. Reuters was not able to confirm the date the video or photographs were taken.

Gaza's Health Ministry said on Thursday morning that Israeli forces had stormed the Kamal Adwan Hospital, detaining and abusing medical staff and preventing them from treating a group of wounded patients, at least two of whom had died.

The ministry spokesman said the Israeli army detained 70 of the medical staffers, including the director of Kamal Adwan Hospital, and evacuated others who were sheltering inside the hospital. — Reuters

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