
RM1.3 million approved for reconstruction of fire-damaged Tangkarason clinic

BELURAN:After the Tangkarason health clinic was destroyed in a fire on Feb 15, the Health Ministry has approved RM1.3 million for its reconstruction.

Sabah Health Exco Datuk James Ratib said the project, which includes rebuilding the clinic and constructing its quarters on the original site, is expected to be completed within the year.

"We will appoint a contractor directly for the reconstruction once we receive the warrant from the ministry.

"So far, there are no issues with the land of the Tangkarason clinic. It has been applied for by the ministry through the Federal Land Commissioner, and soon, the Sabah Land and Survey Department will issue the approval letter for the construction of the clinic," he said in a statement.

Additionally, the Health Ministry has allocated RM100,000 to complete the renovation of the Tangkarason Hall, which will serve as a temporary health clinic for the area's approximately 3,000 villagers.

James, who also serves as the state Community Development and People's Wellbeing minister, proposed the establishment of a special committee to address matters related to federal lands in Sabah.

This committee would help identify government lands with titles, those still under Application for Land (PT) status, and federal government buildings that have not yet been applied for.

"This is necessary so that upcoming projects can commence promptly," James emphasised.

He added that it is pointless for members of Parliament, YBs, and outspoken leaders at the federal level to request allocations for Sabah while land issues in Sabah remain unresolved.

"This hampers the completion of all allocations because fundamental matters remain outstanding, as do other technical utility issues."

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