
Malaysia condemns North Korea's missile launches

PUTRAJAYA: Malaysia has condemned North Korea’s launch of four ballistic missiles saying that it is a flagrant violations of the multiple United Nations Security Council resolutions.

“North Korea has again manifested its rejection of calls by the international community to cease its ballistic missile launches.

“This action has fuelled regional tensions and again demonstrated North Korea’s disregard for the peace and security of the Korean Peninsula, the region and the world in general,” said Wisma Putra in a statement today.

The statement said that the launches were a flagrant violation to the United Nations Security Council resolutions and seriously undermined the global nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation regime.

“Malaysia urges North Korea to end all ballistic missile launches and, of a paramount importance, to conform to all United Nations Security Council resolutions concerning the North Korea," it said.

Nuclear-armed North Korea launched four ballistic missiles today in another challenge to President Donald Trump, with three landing provocatively close to America’s ally Japan.

Four missiles were fired from North Pyongan province into the East Sea – its name for the Sea of Japan – and that South Korea and the US were “closely analysing” tracking data for further details.

South Korea's military said the missiles were unlikely to have been intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM), which can reach the United States. The missiles flew on average 1,000 km (620 miles) and reached a height of 260 km (160 miles).

Some of the missiles landed in waters as close as 300km (190 miles) from Japan's northwest coast, Japan's Defence Minister Tomomi Inada said.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said in Parliament that the launches were clearly in violation of Security Council resolutions and is an extremely dangerous action.

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