
PBM leadership will deliberate on Zuraida's membership, says Larry Sng

KUALA LUMPUR: Parti Bangsa Malaysia president, Larry Sng today said the party's central leadership would deliberate on Datuk Zuraida Kamaruddin's application to join the party.

He said PBM welcomed anyone who shared the party's struggles and they would make a formal announcement on her application soon.

"Zuraida's willingness to join PBM is further proof that the party has attracted a wide spectrum of Malaysians who are drawn to its founding principles," he said in a statement.

Zuraida announced her decision to leave Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) and join PBM yesterday.

The Ampang member of parliament is also expected to meet Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob to discuss her resignation as the Plantation Industries and Commodities Minister.

Zuraida also reaffirmed her confidence and support for the present government led by Ismail Sabri.

Meanwhile, her political secretary, Muhamad Shazlee Muhamad Nazlee, said Zuraida's decision proved that she was not after power nor position as alleged by some quarters.

Since becoming the Minister for Plantation Industries and Commodities, he said, she had steered the ministry to be among those who helped increase the national GDP.

"She has also shown her determination in standing up against anti-palm oil sentiments from the West and successfully helped maintain high prices of the commodity," he said in a statement.

He said Zuraida had also visited more than 12 countries within a year to promote and open new markets for the country's commodities.

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