
PM: Company chosen by Kedah government cancelled Kulim airport project

KUALA LUMPUR: It was not the federal government that cancelled the Kulim International Airport project, the Dewan Rakyat heard today.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said it was ECK Group, the strategic partner chosen by the Kedah government, who cancelled their suggestion to spearhead the development of the airport there.

"Even that the federal government is being labelled as zalim (cruel), when the one who cancelled was the company that you chose," he said when winding up the Supply Bill 2023 here, tonight.

Anwar, who is also Finance Minister, said he just received a letter from Kedah Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor who asked the government to reconsider the project.

"But that was it. There was a suggestion from a private company, who said Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Albukhary's company will help manage the project.

"But he just contacted me apologising because he is not able to do so."

He said any project worth that much money must go through review by the economic planning unit, Finance Ministry, and Transport Ministry, and decided by central agencies.

He however said the Kedah government could still present a new plan if they wanted to.

"If the study is done thoroughly, I believe Transport Minister (Anthony Loke), who is a lot more patient than I am, can review it."

The project is a joint venture between Kedah State Development Corporation and private developer Oriental Interest Bhd.

Earlier today, Sanusi brushed off Loke's claim that the state government had not submitted any application or proposal with regards to the Kedah Aerotropolis project to the Federal government.

He also said the state government submitted two letters seeking an appointment with Anwar through the state secretary and the state-owned entity KXP AirportCity Holdings Sdn Bhd.

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