
Selangor RTD conducts operations for Hari Raya

SHAH ALAM: The Selangor Road Transport Department (RTD) has started its Op Hari Raya Aidilfitri (Op HRA 2023) from April 18 to April 27, with the addition of bus inspection operations and motorcycle operations in conjunction with the celebration.

The bus inspection operation which started on April 14 will be carried out at Klang Sentral Sani Express Depot and Konsortium Transnasional Berhad Depot.

Selangor RTD deputy director Ahmad Kamarunzaman Mehat, during a press conference, said the department will focus on more enforcement in strategic locations including black spots in order to reach the operation target.

The operation also aims to achieve 50 to 70 per cent of the Perception of Being Caught (POBC) goal and officers' visibility on main roads and highways, providing stricter enforcement for nine major offences to reduce accidents and deaths rates, especially for motorcycle users, and 90 to 100 per cent commercial vehicles inspections.

He added a specific operation for motorcycles (Ops Khas Motosikal) will also be conducted.

"RTD officers will inspect for offences that are related to driving license (no license and expired driving license), riders without protective helmets, registration number, side mirrors and technical faults and motorcyclists that are not using the proper motorcycle lane.

"From our observations, motorcyclists tend to not use the designated lane for motorcycles."

He said that the operation strategies include having RTD officers as bus passengers to keep an eye on the bus drivers during this festive period.

"RTD will also patrol main roads and highways by conducting POBC and snap check which includes 23 frequent accident areas in Selangor, implement special motorcycle enforcement, and make an inspection of bus terminals and depots.

"Enforcement Monitoring Control Centre (EMCC) will also be implemented as well as managing complaints and road safety briefing to government agencies, private sector, factories and universities."

In accordance with its motto, "Drive carefully, reach your destination safely" (Pandu cermat sampai selamat) the operation, which involved the deployment of 325 RTD enforcement personnel, aims to safeguard the security of road users.

Kamarunzaman said the department will also focus on the nine main offences that are considered to be the cause of accidents.

"The nine violations include disobeying the traffic lights, exceeding the posted speed limit (warning summons), cutting across double lines, using a phone while driving without a hands-free device, and driving a vehicle in the emergency lane.

"Other than that, the offences include not wearing a seat belt or helmet, cutting queues, driving in the right lane continuously, carrying an overloaded or dangerous load," he said at Shah Alam Terminal 17 bus terminal, here today.

He said all of these offences cannot be compounded and would instead be prosecuted in court, except for the offence of not wearing a seat belt or helmet and cutting queue.

The public can contact the department's hotline at 03-55669442 and email for any inquiries or complaints. They can also report traffic complaints on the MyJPJ application.

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