
Govt to engage tech giants over advertising revenues sharing

KUALA LUMPUR: The Communications and Digital Ministry is planning to initiate engagement sessions with some tech giants to discuss channelling advertising revenues back to local media companies.

At present, Deputy Minister Teo Nie Ching said advertisement revenues all go to tech giants, such as Google and other search engines.

"We intend to start engagement with these tech giants and try to emulate other countries, with a formula where parts of the revenues are to be channelled back to the local media companies," she said in response to a supplementary question by Datuk Mumtaz Md Nawi (PN-Tumpat) during the Minister Question Time in Dewan Rakyat today.

Mumtaz asked about the government's plans to assist some publication companies who are facing financial problems.

On April 28, 2020, it was reported that the Malaysian Newspaper Publishers Association (MNPA) initiated a move to force international technology companies, Google and Facebook, to share advertising revenue they have accumulated largely at the expense of traditional media.

The move was following a landmark decision by the Australian government which required Google and Facebook to share their advertising revenue with local media firms.

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