
"Are they humans or animals?" Mahathir faults US for Gaza genocide

KUALA LUMPUR: Former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has criticised the United States (US), holding it equally responsible as Israel for the genocide of Palestinians.

In a post on X (formerly known as Twitter), the veteran politician argued that the "ongoing genocide" persists due to the US veto.

"The US wants the mass murders to go on because, cynically, it believes it would end wars.

"Would it? No. Two world wars were fought to end wars. But wars have not ended," he said.

Mahathir said Israel's actions have only resulted in creating eternal enemies, portraying them as people indifferent to human rights.

"Even if all Hamas members are killed, others will take their place. Why? Because other Palestinians will remember the bestiality of the Israelis.

"The enmity will persist for generations. There will be wars, no peace, revenge killings, suicide bombings, and assassinations," he said.

Mahathir slammed the immoral act by Israelis, questioning why people would do this to fellow mankind.

"Are they human or animals? Even animals kill for food.

"But Israelis kill because they want to kill. They believe that their security could only be won through killing Palestinians," he criticised.

Almost all of Gaza's 2.3 million residents have been forced from their homes by Israel's 12-week assault, triggered after Hamas and allied groups killed 1,200 people and captured 240 hostages in a rampage in southern Israel on Oct 7.

The offensive has killed at least 21,672 Palestinians, according to health authorities in Gaza, with more than 56,000 injured and thousands more feared dead under the rubble.

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