
#Showbiz: 1MDB documentary 'Man On The Run' to screen in cinemas on Oct 19

KUALA LUMPUR: The shocking true story of the 1MDB Malaysian state fund scandal is chronicled in a new documentary film, Man On The Run.

It follows the tale of betrayal and corruption involving Malaysia's former Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and the mysterious businessman, Jho Low.

"Even though it gets widespread coverage, there are still many people who don't know about this scandal in great detail.

"This film intends to shed a brighter light on what happened, especially for those who have followed the development of this case," said the film's writer and director Cassius Michael Kim in a recent statement.

The documentary shows how Low, who is currently wanted by the authorities, had been able to channel billions from 1MDB into global bank accounts to fuel his lavish lifestyle.

This included, among other things, extravagant Hollywood parties and the making of the 2013 Martin Scorsese-directed movie, The Wolf Of Wall Street, which starred Leonardo DiCaprio.

Kim said that there were a few challenges in producing the documentary but he was able to obtain crucial interviews with key individuals and parties related to the 1MDB story.

"What is most interesting is that we were able to talk to individuals that were closely associated with this scandal, including Datuk Seri Najib himself.

"During our interview with him, I have to admit that I was quite impressed with his ability to answer every question that was posed to him," he said.

Kim, who is also executive producer of the film, hopes that Man On The Run will be able to show the public the negative effects the scandal had on everyone, especially Malaysians.

"Regarding Jho Low, I also hope that he will be brought to justice one day.

"Of course, I'd be very interested to conduct an interview with him should the opportunity to do so arise," he said.

Man On The Run was released in cinemas in Singapore on Oct 5. The documentary film will be screened in Malaysian cinemas from Oct 19.

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