
Eat Well : Nutrition for vegetarians

THERE is a growing trend in going vegetarian.

There are several reasons why people choose to go meatless such as religion, animal compassion and concern for the environment. Some become vegetarian for health reasons.

Research shows that a balanced vegetarian diet can be beneficial for long-term health. As part of a healthy lifestyle, vegetarians tend to have lower incidences of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer and high blood pressure. This is because a vegetarian diet is generally lower in saturated fat and cholesterol, yet higher in fibre, magnesium, folic acid, Vitamins C and E, and antioxidants.

Having said that, I have noticed that vegetarians face the same challenges such as being too busy to cook for themselves and often make do with eating out and consuming a lot of processed meals. One vegetarian client of mine regularly has pastries and coffee from the bakery near her office for a quick meal, purely out of convenience.

The greater awareness you have about nutrition, the better food choices you will make for your vegetarian meals. It is important to keep in mind that whenever you cut out certain food groups from your diet, it is likely you may miss out on important nutrients. Hence, doing some meal planning and preparation will ensure you stand a better chance of eating a more balanced vegetarian diet. Here are the nutrients you need to pay attention to:


Protein is the building block for muscles, bones, cells, organs and skin. The Recommended Nutrient Intake for Malaysians by the Ministry of Health Malaysia is one gramme of protein per kilogramme of body weight per day. So, if you weigh 62kg, you will roughly need 62g of protein in a day. Plant foods that are rich in protein include beans, legumes, lentils, nuts, seeds and wholegrains.


Iron and zinc play an important role in the production of red blood cells. Zinc is also part of many enzymes plus the forming of protein in your body. Anaemia, brittle nails and hair loss can be a side effect of a deficiency in these nutrients.

The Recommended Nutrient Intake for iron is 29mg/day for premenopausal women aged 19 to 50 years old. The amount reduces to 11 mg/day for postmenopausal women. For men, the recommendation for iron is 11 mg/per day.

As for zinc, the recommended intake is an average of 6.5 mg /day for adult men and 4.6 mg/day for women. Iron and zinc- rich foods include all kinds of beans, lentils, peas, whole grains, dried fruit, dark leafy vegetables and soya. Do remember that Vitamin C helps your body absorb iron better so make it a practice to have Vitamin C-rich foods such as vegetables or fruit together with your meals.


Vitamin B12 (also known as Cobalamin) is found mainly in animal meats. The Recommended Nutrient Intake for Vitamin B12 is 4 microgrammes/day for adult men and women. You can get some from fortified cereals, dairy and soya products. Being vegetarian, it can be challenging to ensure you get enough Vitamin B12, especially if you do not consume any dairy. Symptoms of Vitamin B12 deficiency can go unnoticed until it is advanced. By then, you would have to deal with health complications. Knowing what you know, it would a good idea to take a supplement to ensure you avoid a deficiency of Vitamin B12.


These two nutrients are essential in maintaining strong bones and teeth. The Recommended Nutrient Intake for calcium is 1000mg/day for men and 1200mg/day for women. As for Vitamin D, adult men and women should aim to get 15 microgrammes/day. Those above 65 years old should aim for 20 microgrammes/day.

Food sources rich in these nutrients are milk, dairy and dark leafy vegetables. You can also look for calcium and Vitamin D fortified foods, such as breakfast cereals, orange juice and soya products.

* Indra Balaratnam is a consultant dietitian who believes in simple, practical ways to eating well and living healthy. She can be reached at indra.balaratnam@gmail.com

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