
Increasing your face value

SURVEYS have shown that many employers are willing to offer more to those who pay attention to grooming themselves, said professional image consultant Wendy Lee.

“A study that was aimed at testing human resources personnel on whether they would pay someone more if they were to see different photos of them — one groomed and the other not — showed that HR personnel are indeed willing to pay those who are groomed eight to 20 per cent more.

“Of course, we are not talking about someone having natural good looks, but those who take the effort to be well groomed.

“This makes sense as how you groom yourself says a whole lot about you as a person. It’s a sign of respect for you as an individual, and for the person whom you will be working with. Wearing matching shirts and ties, for example, says you are someone that pays attention to detail. Putting on lipstick takes only a few seconds, but it gives one a polished look that says: ‘I’m healthy, alert and ready to take on the job’.

“When a person joins a company, he or she is a representative of that company. As a boss, you’d want someone who looks polished and professional, who is able to carry the brand and image of that company.

“I recall a lady boss telling her staff: ‘I don’t pay you to look like you just crawled out from bed every morning. So, make sure you look healthy, smell nice and wear a smile to the office every day’.”

Although it was a plus point to have above-average looks, it was certainly not the determining factor in landing a job unless looks were part of the ‘selling’ process, Lee said.

“Unless one is required to sell cosmetics or skincare products, physical appearances are never a deciding factor. Not everyone needs to plaster make-up. But being well-groomed can make or break a deal.

“The basic idea is to look fresh, healthy and happy. This translates to a person having a strong sense of self awareness and confidence.

“And that correlates to a person’s job performance as well. The perception is always if you can take good care of yourself, you can take extra care of the job entrusted to you.”

Research, published in the Wall Street Journal, suggests that a few extra pounds or a slightly larger waistline affected an executive’s perceived leadership ability as well as stamina, she said.

“How does one end up being overweight, unkempt and sloppy? It certainly doesn’t happen overnight. The very fact that you can accept being unkempt and sloppy, shows where your standards lie.

“In the words of motivational speaker T. Harv Eker — how you do anything, is how you do everything. How you take care of your self will be equivalent to how you take care of your work.

“Besides that, your physical health affects your mental state and stamina as well. I had an overweight ex-colleague who constantly had health issues. One day, it would be gout, the next day, it would be high-blood pressure. At meetings, especially after lunches, bosses caught him snoring and dozing off.

“It made such a bad impression and affected his performance.”

Lee said those who were not born with a face like Aishwarya Rai or Tom Cruise should take advantage of the exposure principle.

“Research show that the exposure principle increases our face value. It states that the more often you are seen with people, the more attractive and intelligent you will appear to them.

“Take care of your hair. It is very distracting to have your hair covering your face. There is a reason newscasters need to have their crowning glory groomed to perfection. Dark hair roots, baby hair, oily hair and split ends all display a lack of self-awareness.

“The same goes for the type of headscarf one uses. Gaudy colours and too much bling come across as tasteless, distracting and unprofessional.

“Take care of your teeth as they tell a tale about you. If your teeth are yellow and you look like you just ate, your face value will take a plunge. So, do everything possible to keep your teeth pearly white.

“Pay attention to your eyes, they are the windows to your soul.

“The clearer your eyes, the more attractive you will appear to be.

“Make sure you get enough sleep. If you have bloodshot eyes or dark eye rings, reach out for your concealer.”

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