
Jobada to host memory walk

JOHOR BARU: THE Johor Baru Alzheimer’s Disease Support Association (Jobada), in collaboration with the Johor Baru City Council (MBJB), is organising a memory walk at the Taman Merdeka Park here on Sept 21, which is World Alzheimer’s Day.

Themed “Dementia: Can We Reduce the Risk?”, the walk, will be flagged off by Johor state secretary Datuk Ismali Karim at 7.30am.

The walk is expected to end at noon.

Jobada chairman Margaret Liew said the walk is aimed at raising funds and also to create awareness of Alzheimer and other related dementia diseases.

“The general perception is that an Alzheimer’s patient is someone who is senile but to me, he is a special patient, a normal person who cannot remember certain parts of his life.

“For instance, the first symptom of this affliction is that the person will forget how to get home and will always repeat themselves.

Liew said that Johor Baru member of parliament Tan Sri Shahrir Samad, Jobada patron, is sponsoring T-shirts for the participants.

“We are grateful to our supporters, especially Shahrir, the Johor state government, MBJB, and all those who had collaborated with us in past events and activities,” she said.

Liew added that there are currently 36 million people worldwide living with dementia and this number is expected to rise to 66 million in 2030.

Jobada is a non-governmental organisation set up to promote awareness of Alzheimer’s disease in Johor Baru, and help dementia patients and their families.

The centre operates from 8.30am to 3.30pm daily except on weekends. There are currently four staff and 13 patients who are either sent to the centre by their family members or the centre’s driver.

Liew said the public can show their support by giving donations which are eligible for tax exemption or by becoming a volunteer.

For more information, call 07-222 4016 or visit the Jobada centre at 43, Jalan Petri, Kampung Tarom, here.

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