Crime & Courts

Man fined RM2,000 for FB post insulting Health Minister

KUALA LUMPUR: A retiree was fined RM2,000 in default of one month's imprisonment for circulating offensive remarks about Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Adham Baba four months ago.

Judge MM Edwin Paramjothy meted out the sentence after Abdullah Sani Ahmad, 57, pleaded guilty to the offence at the Sessions Court here, today.

In his judgement, Edwin Paramjothy said the accused must be considerate when posting on social media.

Abdullah Sani is alleged, via his Facebook account under the name Sani Ahmad, to have made an offensive remark with an intent to hurt others at 11.45pm on March 31.

The remarks were read at the Health Ministry headquarters at 8am the next day.

The offence falls under Section 233(1)(a) of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 which provides for a maximum fine of RM50,000, or up to a years' jail, or both, if convicted; and a fine of RM1,000 for every day the offence is repeated after conviction.

Deputy public prosecutor Annur Atiqah Abd Hadi asked the court to impose a deterrent sentence against the accused.

However, Abdullah Sani, who was unrepresented, pleaded for a minimum sentence, saying he was remorseful for his actions.

"I promise not the repeat the same mistake," he said.

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