Crime & Courts

Pahang cops identify culprit behind sales of Pahang Royal emblems, awards on e-commerce site

KUANTAN: Police have identified the mastermind responsible for selling Pahang's Royal emblems, awards and titles without permission on an e-commerce platform.

Pahang police chief Datuk Seri Yahaya Othman said no arrest had been made yet as police were still in the midst of completing their probe on the matter.

"We have identified the person involved and he is from outside of Pahang. The person was allegedly promoting the emblems, medals, and titles on a social media site without permission... They were sold for more than RM1,000 each.

"The suspect is believed to have only begun operating the e-commerce platform for about a week and suspended its operations after news reports on the online sales went viral last month," he told reporters at the Alor Akar police logistics complex here today.

He earlier flagged off police personnel from Pahang who will be assisting in the Terengganu state election on Aug 12.

On July 13, Yahaya reminded the public not to use or display Pahang's Royal emblems, awards and titles without permission after the Pekan police headquarters received a report that the items were sold on an e-commerce platform.

He was reported saying that it was an offence to sell, display for sale or possess any emblem, title or award without the written permission of the Sultan of Pahang, and it was an offence to display or misuse any material containing the emblem, title, award or any replica thereof on any vehicle without permission.

Those caught can be investigated under Section 3(1)(c) of the Pahang Emblems, Titles and Awards (Prevention of Improper Use) Enactment 2017.

Meanwhile, Yahaya said 881 policemen from the Pahang contingent were deployed to assist during the state election in five districts in Terengganu.

"The manpower from the state contingent and all 11 districts will be stationed for five days at Kemaman, Dungun, Marang, Hulu Terengganu and Besut.

"I have advised them to maintain a high level of integrity and remain professional while carrying out their duties. They have to be mentally and physically prepared to face any eventuality during the state polls," he said.

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